Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Gbas - We Learn. Gbos - We Unlearn.

When I wrote about my anniversary a few weeks ago, I wrote about how the first year was blissful and I didn’t understand why people say it is the hardest year.

Well, quick update – the arguments in the last few weeks are more than what was had in the preceding one year. We have been giving each other gbas gbos* LOL.

Tuesday, 26 July 2022


Recently, I was talking to a friend about how I wanted to quit Instagram because it did nothing for my soul anymore. I talked about how blogging was always therapeutic until now. 

My friend said to me; “even when you love something, you do not feel the same way about it all the time”.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Year 1 of Forever: The 1st Year of Marriage

It was our 1-year anniversary a couple of days ago and we started this tradition of getting all dressed up and taking fancy pictures every year because the collection will look bomb at Year 50.

Anyways, back to the anniversary. People say the first year is the hardest and I really hope so because