Sunday, 31 March 2013

When you finally find what's beautiful...

I always knew Easter wasn't about Easter eggs. I always knew it was about the life, death & resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. I couldn't hold back the tears reading about his death on Friday  All I kept thinking was he could have dealt with every single one of his attackers. He had that much power but He chose to sit it endure just to show me and you that He loves us so much. I'm so excited today that He rose again. He shows that death doesn't have the last word anymore. I bet the people thought once he died people would stop talking about Him, little did they know, it was just the beginning. Over 2000 years later, He is still been talked about and still brings joy and peace into my heart. oh, and it was not the nails that kept Him on the cross, it was LOVE that kept Him right there....

I love to play with different textures when I'm in the mood and I just loved the contrast my favourite skirt had with this pleather peplum. I wanted an ethnic feel so I added dashiki print sleeves to a vest I'm wearing on the inside and threw on my faux fur backwards because I'm a bit weird. But, who isn't?

Missguided peplum top (Old) // Tap Designs Skirt // Ebay hi tops // Asos faux fur lapel

"God loves the world so much that He gave up His only Son, Jesus to die for us, so we never have to perish...once we accept His Son...His love, we are going to have everlasting life - John 3:16"

Lots of love,

Sunday, 24 March 2013

My RICE Experience...

It's been a cold weekend here in Braddy-town. Non-stop snow from friday to saturday. For the past one month, I haven't had any appetite hence losing a considerable amount of weight and having dull skin. (Who knew your skin was affected by your appetite as well?) Anyways, I realised my appetite was coming back again and I planned to go to town on friday to stock up on food but due to the snow, I stayed home and tried to order pizza but they weren't delivering. So I went to bed hungry (I might have even shed a few tears. Lol). I woke up on saturday determined that it didn't matter how heavy the snow was, I was gonna go to town. And I set off with a list of ingredients for jollof & fried rice. Spent a couple of hours out in the cold holding way too many bags. I got home and started the process only to realise I forgot one vital ingredient - THE RICE. I contemplated just making pasta since I had a bit of that but I was like No, I want rice. So I braved the cold again for the 2nd time in one day and I got rice.

First of all, I've never been so excited to buy rice before. Secondly, it made me realise that we don't get results from convenience. If you want something so badly, you're gonna have to step out of your comfort zone to get it. Sometimes you're gonna have to brave the stormy weather, the voice in your head, the discouraging words of others and just do it. Sometimes you're gonna have to give yourself a little slap on the face to catapult you into the right frame of mind to achieve that which you want so badly. So the real question is how badly do you want it?

I was going through my blog reading list when I saw this lovely dress on Cyn's blog.  (I stalk her blog) and I was blown away. It was just too gorgeous. I had seen it on asos a couple of times but never really paid attention to it 'cause wiggle dresses are not really my thing. However, after seeing Cyn rock it, I ordered it straightaway (it helped that asos was doing 25% off for students). The dress came in other prints and I decided I would get ankara and sew it in other prints. Dresses like this need to be replicated. I picked this print due to the modern yet retro vibe to it. I figured if I cannot get out of my environment for a little holiday, I might as well dress like I'm on a little holiday. Don't you just love getting inspiration from other bloggers? (I know I do.) Check out Cyn's look here

Asos dress (Similar here and here) // Bradford market clutch // Asos round glasses // Topshop neutral colour block sandals

"It only takes a little amount of yeast to permeate an entire loaf of bread. You call it a little sin? It's building roots in your life. Cut it off"

Lots of love,

Sunday, 17 March 2013


(Photos by Lotachukwu)
When I saw this beautiful wrap skirt while randomly checking for something on ebay, I knew I had to buy it so I stalked it like a hawk and placed a bid on it and WON! Yayy! I wore a wrap top/dress and then due to having a bad hair day, wrapped a scarf on my head as well. I forgot I had this pair of heels and just randomly found it so I decided to wear it.

Asos dress/top // Ebay Skirt & Shoes (Similar here) // Primark Scarf (Similar here) // DIY Bangle // River Island necklace (Love this

I realised there are questions girls should never ask. My friend and I went for a fashion show for charity and while the models were strutting their stuff, she asked me "am I fatter than her?" and I replied honestly and then I found myself asking if I was fatter than some other girl. I got home and thought to myself, that is a wrong way to go about life comparing yourself to someone else. I'm an advocate of being the best you, you can be and not focused on being better than someone else. So, I got carried away and this is just to serve as a reminder to myself and all other women that beauty doesn't come in one size, height, hair, race or even skin-colour. True beauty  can never be limited to one thing. To everyone reading this, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL because you are wonderfully and fearfully made by God and He makes no mistakes

"Anything you're addicted to enslaves you. Keeps you bound... except it's God's love because that sets you free."

Have a wonderful week!
Lots of love
Tomilola E.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Two For The Price of One...

(Photos by Chiebuka)
I am a girly girl. No, I don't like pink but I'm a very girly girl. I like to do girly things. I cannot be around anything that crawls or flies. I like to get my hair done. I like to retouch my nail polish every week. I do not enjoy sports (unless you count wrestling as a sport - great John Cena fan). However, I have been dying to get into the sports luxe trend and when I found this pair of trousers on Asos, I knew they had to be mine sooner or later. I felt like it was the perfect time to tackle two trends at once so I decided to do a monochromatic look as well. I love my whites and black but I just felt like I needed a little "umph" so I added my oh so famous Zara heels (I refuse to listen to the voice in my head that says Tomilola, let this shoe rest now. I paid for it, it will work for me). I had this Tee made for me in Nigeria and I particularly like to make my own printed tees because I am very particular about the type of message I pass across. My tee says 'fearless'  because God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind.

Trouser - Asos
Blazer - Really Old
Tee - Made in Nigeria
Necklace - Charlotte Russe
Heels - Zara (Old)

Remember when I said I was worried about my future? Well, guess what? The path way to my future keeps getting clearer as I go through life. I am in a very awesome place. And I am very thankful for the love and support you guys continually show me. People find everything on the internet these days and I found you guys (or you found me) and I am so blessed and thankful for each and every one of you. Happy New Month guys!

I'm gonna leave you guys with a video that touches my heart every time I watch it because I love you guys.
Have the most amazing and productive week yet! 

Tomilola E.