Sunday, 24 February 2013


Hi guys, how have you been? My photographer is out of town for a while so I had to get my friend to take today's pictures and she was particularly more into taking pictures of the building than my outfit. LOL. But, when I looked at the pictures she took (where I was super tiny and the building was the focus), I realized I was just a little but very significant part of a huge puzzle (this world) and I don't know, that just gives me a warm feeling in my heart. I like being a part of great and beautiful things but I have learnt not to take up too much stuff that I feel out of breath all the time and not get enough time for myself.

(photos by Chiebuka)
I've had this jumpsuit since last year and I had to work out a bit to fit into it because the bum area kept ripping every time I tried to wear it and my belly was getting a bit too big so I engaged in a little work-out because I didn't want to return it. My friend introduced me to TiffanyRoTheWorkOuts page on youtube and she makes exercise a little fun (because it is never fun) and my jumpsuit did not rip! It's one of those deep-Vs  and like I have said like a million times, indecency is not my portion so I pinned it. 

Jumpsuit - Missguided
Blazer - Ebay
Heels - Topshop

"God will either calm the storm, or let the storm rage while He calms you. Your life is never out of control once you've given it to God"

Have a great week guys.
Lots of love, hugs and sloppy kisses
Tomilola E.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Coat - H & M // Shirt - George // Skirt - River Island // Tights & Brogues - Primark // Scarf - Mum's

Blazer - Zara // Riding pants & Scarf - H&M // Boyfriend shirt - Asos // Boots - Primark

Hi guys, I decided to show you two of my uni outfits lately. I've got the flu (again). The weather isn't sexy at all. It's always raining and just generally annoying so I like to incorporate colour or prints into my outfit and weirdly enough, this brightens up my day.

What do you think? How do you dress to uni? How is your week going?

"Do you ever hear God speak? Certain people in your life are like ear plugs. They cause communication problems between yourself and God. Remove the ear plugs and HEAR"

Lots of love

Tomilola E. 

Monday, 4 February 2013


Blouse & Skirt - Topshop
Heels - Zara
Belt & Socks - Asos

I've been gone for a while. I needed time for myself and to deal with a lot of personal issues. Various applications got too much and I kinder panicked and just wanted to be on my own. This is the outfit I wore to church recently. The blouse was a little big and  I intended to amend it, I just never got the time. I'm so exhausted as I am typing this. I get so busy these days, I rarely have time for myself to just relax and think. Sorry I was gone for a while. I tried to keep up but I just couldn't. Hopefully, I'm getting things in order and I should begin blogging regularly. I have so much to tell you guys.

How have you been? How's February treating you? 

"Whenever you're lost in a mystery, remember that your future is a memory to God; 'cause He is already there. So look to Him"

Sending numerous hugs and sloppy kisses to you.

Tomilola E.