Friday, 30 March 2012


After my lecture today, my friend and I decided to play around in the lecture room a little bit. It was quite fun + I'm off on Easter holiday as from NOW!!

Blazer- America
Skirt- Candie
Shirt- Forever 21
Tights & Belt- New Look
Boots- Barratts
Satchel- Primark
Bow tie- DIY
Brooch- River Island

"To hear God's voice, turn down the world's volume"

Have an AMAZING weekend guys! Lots of love. xo

Monday, 26 March 2012


Yesterday as the world knows, we had to move our clocks one hour forward 'cause it's SUMMER TIME!....Yippee! Today is so warm, it's unbelievable. I just wanna lie in the sun :D

Denim Shirt, Skirt & Ring- Primark
Crop Top- America
Boots- Forever 21
Tights- New Look
Leather bag- Stole it from my mum :D

"To hear God's voice, you have to turn down the volume of the world"

 I want to say A MASSIVE thank you to Oluwaseun of MY STYLED EXPRESSIONS for featuring me on her blog as the STYLE PICK OF THE WEEK

Have an amazing week guys. LOOOOOVVVEEEE YOUUU LOOOAADSSS! xo

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Hi guys, hope your day went really well? I left my braids down as I felt I looked like a '1980s black girl'

Blazer- H & M
Tee Shirt- Vistaprint
Leather shorts- River Island
Tights- New Look
Red flats- America
Bracelets- D.I.Y

"Sometimes we really have to remind ourselves that, the world was not created to satisfy our souls. We need to live for Heaven and GOD will throw in earth- Seek ye first HIS KINGDOM...."

Lots of love...xo

Monday, 19 March 2012


YAY!!! I finally got my braids done! Whoop Whoop!!---NOT!!! lol. It took six hours to get done and it's really heavy but I love it and I'd probably love it even more when it stops hurting...

Blazer/Shirt/Skirt- America
Wristwatch- Versace
Bangle/Socks/Brogues/Satchel- Primark
Tights- New Look

"I don't know why God loves me so much, but He does. That teaches me that people don't need to give me a reason to love them before I love them. I have to because God told me to and He's never wrong"

Have an amazing week guys...
Lots of love...xo

Friday, 16 March 2012


Hi guys, hope you all had a wonderful week? I was wondering if anyone knew where to get Olay Ultra Moisture body lotion for extra dry skin. I usually get it from the US, but it's taking forever to get here and my skin isn't doing so well without it. I'm getting a bit frustrated now :(.
In other news, I am so glad it's Friday. I am beyond exhausted and I'm getting my hair braided this weekend :D

Skirt- Boohoo
Denim Jacket- Primark
Tights- New Look
Top- America
Boots- Forever 21

Ever wonder how hard it is to love people especially when they make it so difficult to love them? Yet God loves everyone in the world and you gotta admit, we are not exactly the most lovable people. The thought of that makes you love God more. I once read that God teaches us unconditional love by bringing people in our lives who are not easy to love...

Have an amazing weekend weekend...

Lots of love...xo

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


This is my 61st post...YAYYY!!! lol. I know it would have made more sense if I celebrated the 60th post, but I don't keep track of these things. Anyways, how are you all doing? Remember when I first wore these leggings, I called it my beyonce moment. I've gotten more comfortable with it now and instead of the usual black and grey, I paired it up with a loose white tee :D. Oh, and I'm getting my hair braided again real soon. I know I'll get tired of the braids but for now, I'm really excited about it...

Ikat Print Leggings- ASOS
Snood & Brogues- Primark
Top and Bag- H & M

"We can't ask God to work on us and still choose the tools he uses. If you're gonna let go, LET GO COMPLETELY"

Lots of love guys...xo

Monday, 12 March 2012


So, I dragged myself out of bed today by force as I slept very late and I had to be up very early. Anyways, I wear my Chinos which are like RIDICULOUSLY tight for me so I had to squeeze them at my waist and I got a CROTCH! And instead of me to let my jumper run free, I decided to tuck it in and draw more attention to it. But I guess it wasn't so bad, as I met two very nice 

I have an intense obsession with sparkling white socks and tan/brown shoes. I kinder remind myself of Hugh Hefner abit with this, except his obsession is with black slippers not brown...What do you think?

I was supposed to be doing a Michael Jackson dance but at this point, I realize this an EPIC FAIL! LOL

Jumper. Socks & Satchel- Primark
Shirt- Dorothy Perkins
Chinos- New Look
Loafers- Next

I saw this quote somewhere and I felt like it really defined me because a lot of people get confused about Christians and expect them to be perfect human beings and when we don't look perfect, we are called hypocrites, so I thought I'd share this with you...

When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not shouting I'm living clean. I'm shouting that I was lost & now I'm found & forgiven. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I don't speak with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble & need Christ to be my guide. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not trying to be strong, I'm professing that I'm weak and I need HIS strength to carry on. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not bragging of success, I'm admitting I have failed and I need God to clean my mess. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not claiming to be perfect, my flaws are far too visible but God believes I am worth it. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I still feel the sting of pain, I still have my own share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. 
When I say I'm a Christian, I'm not 'holier than thou', just a simple sinner who received God's good GRACE...somehow...

Have an amazing week guys. Lots of love.