Monday, 16 April 2012

Your First! Tag ♥

I did this tag video by SheniquaOutar 'cause I thought it was really fun. It's a youtube tag but I made it more blogger friendly! Hope you like?!


1. What was your first YouTube (Blogpost) video about?
2. Think back, did you ever have a bebo/myspace? What was your first profile picture like?
3. Who was the first guru you subscribed to on youtube (blogger) and why?
4.Your first celebrity crush?
5. Your first makeup brand?
6. Your first pet?
7. Your first wild experience?
8. Your first fashion trend you loved?
9. Your first alcoholic beverage?
10. Your first kiss?

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemy, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends...

Playsuit- Ebay
Tights- New Look
Boots- Boohoo
Wristwatch- Versace
Earcuff- ASOS
Blazer- Forever21

'Faith as little as a mustard seed does what knowledge and logic can't do'

Sunday, 15 April 2012

You do have a love story. It's a story that tells you how much God loves you, and how far He went just to win your heart. He gave His SON ♥

ooh boy! I missed you guys! My week was so boring! I was trying to study all week but as you will see in the pictures below. I ended up playing with my camera instead. Don't be deceived by the sun, it is FREEZING here! uurggh! I've added a few non-outfit pictures to show  you a bit of my week and my new found love for photography! Hope you like!

Denim Shirt- Primark
Skirt- DIY
Red leopard prints collar (Actually a shirt)- Forever 21
Tights & Heels- New Look
Loafers- Next
Bag- Mum's
Necklace- River Island

 I had a lot of jollof rice and chicken this week! My favourite meal ever! :D

 I saw this butterfly on my way home today! So beautiful!

At this point, I'm questioning my decision to go to school and to study law. Tired of the books! :(

 I cannot even attempt to study without eclairs, wethers and water beside me! And apparently, a comb, toaster and hair gel! 

 After one page, I treat myself to a little tumblr. It is very important to reward yourself after ONE PAGE of your textbook :-D

 The building opposite my apartment...

 One of the most important things taken for granted, laughs shared with friends...
Have a great week guys! 
Lots of love! xo

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

They take pictures of the mountain climbers at the top of the mountain. They are smiling, ecstatic, triumphant. They don’t take pictures along the way cause who wants to remember the rest of it? We push ourselves because we have to not because we like it. The relentless climb, the pain and anguish of taking it to the next level – nobody takes pictures of that, nobody wants to remember, we just want to remember the view from the top, the breathtaking moment at the edge of the world. That’s what keeps us climbing and it’s worth the pain, that’s the crazy part. It’s worth anything.
                                              -Meredith Grey 

Sorry for not updating as much as I should. I have exams coming up so I'm basically just stuck in my room in joggers and hoodie! ** Glamorous life of a law student, ey?**

Love you guys and I appreciate your constant love and support *kisses* God is love

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Fought with a stranger and I met myself...

Denim Blazer- H & M
Sequins Top- American Apparel
Belt & Bracelet- Primark
Skirt & Bag- Boohoo
Wristwatch- Versace
Necklace- My friend
Floral print shoes- Forever21

"My deepest awareness of myself is that I'm deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn or deserve it"

Lots of love...xo

Saturday, 7 April 2012


I'm not one to pick my outfit a day before but tonight is one of the few nights I felt like...

Besides, I got a new camera and I'm still trying to learn how it works but I'm pretty excited about it...

"We think too much about what will happen to us if we went out of our way to help someone and not enough of what will happen to that someone if we do not go out of our way"

80 FOLLOWERS!!! YIPPEEEE!!! You guys aree AMAZING!!!!!

Lots of love...xo

Sunday, 1 April 2012


There's this song by Kirk Franklin that talks about remembering the first time you heard God's voice or felt His love. For me, it was September 2009 and with so many trials in my life, I almost forgot about September and then about two days ago, I got a reminder of September and my heart is glad again! :D

I realize how awkward my legs look!

"God knows how messed up we are, yet He calls us. His light shines greater through cracked pots than through perfect ones"

Shirt & Socks- Primark
Clutch- River Island
Shoes- Miss Selfridges
Earring- A friend's