Monday 22 December 2014


I learnt how to say NO to thoughts that try to control me. (To be honest, I'm still learning this). Thoughts that say watch porn because you're horny or that nobody loves you so you should be depressed. I said NO by spending time in God's Word which reassured me that I am loved immensely and unconditionally (John 3:16) & that Jesus Christ died to free from the power of sin & therefore, sin has no power over me unless I let it (Romans 6)
Look, once you are remorseful and you ask God for forgiveness, He has forgiven you. (1 John 1:9) If after you do this, you still feel guilty, it is because you haven't forgiven yourself for that which Christ has forgiven you for. I learnt this year to stop beating myself up for things that's in the past. To forgive myself because God has forgiven me.
So this year, I had a lot of challenges and I had one very bad news that is still lingering in my life but guess what, I'm not bothered or worried. I know that God has got me. The storm may be raging but I am calm.
 Moment of Honesty: God told me to do something and I was beating around the bush about it and I saw that someone else had started doing the thing. And then it hit me, if God gives you a job to do and you don't  do it, He'll get someone else to do it. He is the only indispensable factor in getting that work done. 
 I listened to a lot of Afro beats music because I used to hitch a ride with my sister and that's all she wants to listen to. I don't know what you lot enjoy in afrobeats but that thing is just noise.

Ps. Davido is cute though so if i see him on TV, I can take the noise for a couple of minutes just to look at his face. Lol
 I cannot do things that will hurt someone on purpose. I cannot cause others to stumble. I cannot be disobedient to my parents or those in authority. I cannot refuse to give when I have so much more. I could go on forever. I understand wanting to make ourselves happy but we need to realise that we weren't put on earth just for ourselves alone. We were put here for each other & to show the world God's glory. 
 Prior to this year, I wouldn't say I had big dreams. I don't even think I had dreams to be honest. But now, my dreams are so big, they scare me. I've come to realise, that is okay. These dreams are way bigger than me but not too big for God.
 Can you imagine that? Lol. That's alright sha , everyone isn't my cup of tea either. You can't go through life trying to please everyone. You are not meant to. Some people are not going to like you and that is okay.
I learnt how to pray especially when I didn't feel like praying. I usually start off being really honest with God and saying something like "God, I don't feel like praying today to be honest but I know you like it when I do so here I am. Plus the desire to please you out weighs my not feeling like praying......" And before I know it, I'm proper having a conversation with God. 
Bottom Line: Be honest with God. He already knows how you feel so no point pretending.

 Not in life generally but of people. People disappointed me and I imagine I disappointed a lot of people too. No one is perfect and it's not fair to expect perfection from people when I myself fall short of it.
 I cannot even consider myself a serious blogger after this year. Lol. But now that I'm blogging again, I have to say that I'm happier. I'm happy when you send me emails or leave me thoughtful comments. It humbles me and gladdens me at the same time. So thank you guys. (I have to stop now before I start crying. Lol)
I started growing breasts in 2006 or so and it seems like I've been wearing the same cup size forever. But this year, I went up a cup size. Can someone say "hallelujah"? So I guess, boobs actually grow if you're too busy with other positive stuff than worrying about whether or not they are growing.
Side Note: These new boobs are a bit annoying because I can't wear certain tops without feeling self conscious. Girls with D-cups and above, you are the real MVPs.
 I learnt that when something is really difficult to do, I could either sit down in my room and sulk or I can go out into the world and fight for what I want. People say "if it's meant for me, it will come to me". I believe that. I also believe that it is important to fight for what you want with faith and actions. That way if you don't get it, you'll know for sure it wasn't meant for you because you gave it your all. 
Eyyyy. I have come a long way in my short time on earth and learnt a lot of things. But I realise, I still have so much more to learn. 

In case you were wondering, I am wearing an Abaya that my mum got me from Dubai.

What did guys learn in 2014? I'd really like to know. Please share in the comments below. 

Lots of love,

33 yorum:

  1. Very Inspiring and Thoughtful of you to share. I think you have encouraged me to ponder on the things i learnt in 2014 and make them priorities over the silly new year resolutions.. Cus if you don't learn to appreciate your previous lessons in life, then it may be difficult to appreciate the future. And i think i know the sis you were referring Done sis

    1. Thank you very much. I agree paying attention to lessons learnt are more important that New Years Resolution... xx

  2. Wow, so inspiring and thank you for sharing xoxo

  3. Hey Tomi you're doing a really great job with the blog, reading your work is one of the most inspiring things I experience some days.

    Generally in 2014 God gave me classes, tests and exams on trusting in him day by day in all situations. I believe am way much a better person now than at the start of the year.

    1. Wow. Thank you so much for your really kind words.
      If you trust God now more than you did at the start of the year, you're definitely a better person. Thank God for your life xx

  4. First time here. Good work.
    I learnt tomorrow isnt promised to anyone. Got married in 2014, lost my brother in law who was hale and hearty a month after.

  5. First time here. Good work. 2014 was a mixed year, i learnt my awesomeness was between myself and God. Got married to my best friend and a month later we lost his brother who wasn't sick. I learnt how to focus my energies on giving to others.

    1. I'm really sorry for your loss. I pray that God comforts you and your family and gives you something to rejoice about in Jesus name.

  6. Great lessons! Learnt a couple myself.
    A lil similar to a few of your lessons. Eg. You aren't everybody's cup of tea (which is kinda hard cos I like to think that I'm a nice person).
    Oh well

    1. Haha. I know that feeling of "I'm a nice person, why don't you like me?" Just think of it this way, it's not you, it's them. Lol

      Thanks a lot xx

  7. Your abaya is so beautiful! Also, this is a really great post! I have been doing quite a bit of reflecting and have been working on putting together a similar post! I really love no. 1, 2, and 3--they are really so great and so important to always keep in mind! Beautiful reflection!

    <(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad

    1. Thank you very much. I'd like to read your post so please put it up xx

  8. What a great post!!
    And your skin is FLAWLESS!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you very much.
      Are we looking at the same skin? Lol.
      Thank you more for reading xx

  9. I think some of these are great lessons for everyone to learn. I think that this year, I've also come to learn that everyone definitely can't like me, and I don't have to hurt by it (I certainly don't like everybody , myself).

    P.S. Something just struck me... have you thought about buying one of those mini white boards to write your notes? The environmentalist in me sometimes rears her head :p

    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. Yeap. Everyone cannot like us and we must be okay with that.

      Lol. I would definitely consider buying one of those mini white boards but won't it defeat the purpose of my letters? But I will consider it to "save the environment" and my poor note pad. Lol xx

  10. When I read your lesson no.1, I smiled because I sure learnt how to say no to a lot of unedifying things and relationships.

    One key thing I've learnt from this year is learning to trust God and Him alone.

    Thanks for sharing your lessons. I was able to resonate with most of them. Merry Christmas, Tomi!

    1. Woohooo. Second person I've read that's learning to trust God more. That's amazing.

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Merry Christmas to you love xx

  11. Wow! these are deep thoughts! Your post just made my day, or even my week. Numbers 1,2,4 and 9 are very inspiring, and I feel like you are talking to me.
    Thank You Tomilola :D

    1. Thank you so much for reading.

      I'm definitely just a vessel here & God is talking to you.

      Thanks a lot love xx

  12. I learnt that sometimes it's ok to surprised. And its ok to trust God, he's got you (ME). Also learnt to focus on him alone during challenges (hubby lost his job 6wks to our wedding). I'm learning it's not ok or healthy to hold on to unforgiveness. And that it's ok to cry atimes, sometimes we just need to cry out the frustration. I'm learning pregnancy is a beautiful thing.... stretch marks, leaky boobs, heart burn, back pain the works........... all beautiful

    1. May God give your hubby a better job than the one He lost in Jesus name. His latter shall be better than his former in Jesus name. And congratulations on your baby. You make me feel less frightened about getting pregnant in the future.

      Thank you for sharing your lessons. xx

  13. I really love your blog Tomi.. So inspiring ..and u sure are my cup of tea.. Lol.. I learnt that things don't go according to plan this year and sometimes it's ok. You just need to keep ur eyes on the goal and know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Always.

    1. Always light at the end of the tunnel with Jesus.

      Thank you so much for reading my blog. It really does warm up my heart. You have no idea.
      Merry Christmas dear xx

  14. lol at the boobs comment.

    Have a Merry Christmas xx

  15. I really love you and your blog! What took me so long to find it. God bless Cassandra for retweeting a link to your blog.

    I really like this post and we sure learnt a lot of the same things this year.
    I learnt that God is faithful, I felt the presence of God in my life a lot this year.
    I learnt that God's ways are not my ways and his way is always better.
    No matter how bad things may get, if I rely and trust firmly in God, He will see me through.

    Thank you Tomi for this post.

    1. God bless Cassie o!!! Thank God for all you learnt and thank you for sharing xx

  16. I have been following your blog since 2012 and I can say I have never been more blessed by a post you've put up.

    And Boy! Do I wish we could meet. If you are ever in London...

    1. On gosh. Imagine that, I was in London throughout yesterday:(

      Thank you very much. I'm happy this post blessed you. Thank God for that xx

  17. Dear Tomi

    Thank you so much for your notes. They are filled with heart worthy lessons.

    I think I saw you walk into Mr Price, Ikeja City Mall, Lagos sometime in late Novemeber/early December. If you were the one, I bit myself for not saying Hi.

  18. THE BIGGEST LESSON I LEARNT THIS YEAR IS THAT GOD'S WAYS ARE NOT MY WAYS. I had to write it in caps lock because it holds a lot of weight. *I'm actually getting emotional right now*covers face*
    I had something planned out this year and I just thought that's the best plan but no, it didn't go that way. In fact, none of the things I planned happened but God made His own plans for me and it was waaaaaaaaaaay better than mine.
    My other lessons: 2) similar to lesson 8. You don't force yourself on people. They'll like you if they want to.
    3) Don't force love. If it belongs to you, it'll find you.
    4) Not everyone you call friend is your friend
    5) Never follow the crowd. You are just disrupting God's plans for you
    6) You can talk to God yourself, He listens. Don't depend on people to talk to Him for you. Never say "I don't know how to pray" or "God doesn't talk to me". God listens to you no matter what language you say or whether you shout or murmur to yourself. He doesn't know a "gbagaun" He understands it. He is constantly speaking to you. It's up to you to listen or maybe sin is blocking your ears so you should check yourself and talk to Him.
    I can go on and on but this isn't my blog lol. I should probably write a post on this. You've inspired me this year Tomi. God bless you. By the way, you're my sister in my head lol.



I am so glad you're taking the time out to comment. It really does put a smile on my face ♥